Camel Safari in Jaisalmer

Camel Safari in JaisalmerJaisalmer provides ideal opportunities for a camel safari around the desolate sand dunes. It enables you to discover the true essence of the desert. Brilliantly companioned camels led by traditionally dressed butlers exhilarate the adventure enthusiasts from across the globe. Experience wonderment as you gaze the changing colours of a sunset over the desert horizon.

A gala entertainment behind the doors of Jaisalmer invites tourists to come and explore the series of hill tops, thorny trees and shrubs, sloppy sand dunes and rural charm. The camel safari is a popular extravaganza amongst the tourists.

The best way to explore the unexplored facets of Jaisalmer is on a camel safari. Every holiday maker who comes over to Rajasthan goes for a camel safari. These safari trips are organized well. Moreover, in the company of the tour guides you can explore these magical sand dunes at their best. Camel safari provides an opportunity to peep into the interiors of the desert landscape. You can see the otherwise least explored rural charm of Jaisalmer while you take a camel ride.

While you are on the back of a camel, you will only see the gilded sands that spreads across miles. Observe the groups of women dressed in colourful attires come and go amidst the vast millet fields, young Rajasthani girls collecting berries and half grown boys herding goats and sheep. Indulge in the tranquillity and silence that exists in the desert.

Stay overnight in the camps. Besides the bonfire, under the starlit sky, spend moments that will remain etched in your memory forever. Camel safaris can either last for a single day or for several days. You can choose the one that suits your taste and pocket. Though these journeys are thought to be strenuous but they are not as you are provided all the facilities that a comfortable tour demands.

Camel safaris cover rambling routes of the desert landscape. Most of the camel safaris start from Jaisalmer and take to places like Amar Sagar, Mool Sagar, Lodhruva and the very famous Sam sand dunes. Several abandoned villages present along the route lend a rural touch to your journey. The aroma that fills the desert charms one and all. If you do not have time to spare for a long tour, go for the shorter versions. Else, you can at leisurely pace amidst the stunning sand dune terrain.

Between October to February lies the best season to undertake a camel safari. Most of the camel safaris in Jaisalmer are organized during these winter months as the weather is pleasant. Since summers in Rajasthan are extremely hot, a camel safari during this time of the year is impossible.  explore the unvoiced pleasures associated with these safaris, a thrilling journey on the sands of time.


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