Great Himalayan National Park

Great Himalayan National ParkLocation: Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh

Main Attraction: Rich variety of  wildlife and scenic beauty

Best Time To Visit: April-June, September-November

Scooped out of the mountain terrain of the Kullu district, the Great Himalayan National Park was established in 1984. It is the latest addition to India's National Parks. Sprawling over an area of 1,171 sq km, the Park is a home to around 375 fauna species. There are around 31 mammal species, 181 bird species, 3 reptile species, 9 amphibian species, 11 annelids species, 17 mollusc species and 127 insect species.

Scattered over the park are the coniferous forests and alpine meadows dotted with flowers. The views of the snow-capped peaks and glaciers are simply breathtaking. A major part of the Park is always covered with snow. The wildlife found here are wild mountain goats like the bharal, goral and serow, the brown bear and predators like the leopard and the elusive snow leopard. Different varieties of pheasants - monal, khalij cheer, tragopan and other exotic Himalayan birds are also found in the Park. 

The water requirements of the rural and urban areas in the region are met by the four rivers originating from the glaciers in the Park. People staying in close vicinity of the Park earn their livelihood through this Park only. It provides them with honey, fruit nuts, bark of birch and yew, flowers and fuel wood.

The nearby attractions of the Park are the three important pilgrimages—Raktisar(where river Sainj originates), Hanskund(where river Tirthan originates and Sirikhand Mahadev(a lake on the southern border of the Park).


The Park offers accommodation facilities but the facilities provided are quite limited. You are advised to get your own food and bedding if you plan to stay in the rest houses inside the Park. There are other accommodation options available on the outskirts of the Park.

How To Reach:

Air: The nearest airport is at Bhuntar which is 10 km from Kullu.

Rail: The nearest railhead is Joginder Nagar which connects the Park with the other cities of the country.

Road: You can reach the Park by two gravel roads from Ropa to Shangarh in Sainj Valley and from Gushaini to Ropa in Tirthan Valley.


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